The Signet Library in 1722



In a meeting on 12th November 1722 with Thomas Pringle in the chair, the WS Society decided to: all the Scots law books in Print and also the Acts of parliament both before and since the Union and yearly as they shall come out to lye in the Signet Office in the custody of the Under Keeper for the use of every Member of the Society. [WS Society Sederunt Book vol. 2 p. 146]

The first order for books went to bookseller Alexander Symmer of the Parliament Close, who would monopolise the Library’s first few years.

Symmer’s career is still to be researched, and his years of activity (1720-1734) are drawn from books for which he was either bookseller (Isaac Newton’s Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms of 1729) or subscriber (Keith’s History of the Affairs of Church and State in Scotland printed in Edinburgh in 1734 by Thomas and Walter Ruddiman).

What follows is a bibliographical list of the first 1722 purchase, with Symmer’s concision of the title followed by a full citation. In most cases it has been possible to identify the original volume or volumes in the Signet Library, but in a small number of instances the works listed by Symmer did not survive in the collection to be recorded in the next extant handlist of 1782 and some degree of informed speculation has had to be substituted for fact.

The Signet Library in 1723
The first book order from Alexander Symmer, Bookseller of Parliament Close

Stair’s Decisions 2 vols
The decisions of the Lords of Council & Session, in the most important cases debate before them, : with the Acts of Sederunt. As also, an alphabetical compend of the decisions; with an index of the Acts of Sederunt, and the pursuers and defenders names. From June 1661. to July 1681 …
Sir James Dalrymple of Stair
Edinburgh, : Printed by the heir of Andrew Anderson …, anno Dom. 1683-1687..

Stair’s Institutions
It is unclear whether this was:

The institutions of the law of Scotland, deduced from its originals, and collated with the civil, canon and feudal laws; and with the customs of neighbouring nations ….
James Dalrymple, Viscount of Stair
Edinburgh: printed by the heirs of Andrew Anderson, 1681

The institutions of the law of Scotland, deduced from its originals, and collated with the civil, canon and feudal laws; and with the customs of neighbouring nations ….
2nd edition
James Dalrymple, Viscount of Stair
Edinburgh: printed by the heirs of Andrew Anderson, 1693.

By the time of the issue of the 1792 catalogue the library held only the 1759 3rd edition.

Nisbet’s Doubts and Decisions
Some doubts & questions, in the law; especially of Scotland.: As also, some decisions of the Lords of Council and Session
John Nisbet, Lord Dirleton (?1609-1687)
Edinburgh: George Mosman, 1698

Durrie’s Decisions [Durie]
The decisions of the Lords of Council and Session, in most cases of importance, debated, and brought before them; from July 1621. to July 1642.
Sir Alexander Gibson, Lord Durie (d. 1693)
Edinburgh: 1690

Regiam Majestatem [Latin]
Regiam majestatem Scotiae veteres leges et constitutions
Sir John Skene (?1543-1617)
Edinburgh: Thomas Finlason, 1609

Regiam Majestatem [English]
Regiam majestatem: The auld lavves and constitutions of Scotland
Sir John Skene (?1543-1617)
Edinburgh: Thomas Finlason, 1609

The Black Acts
The actis and constitutiounis of the realme of Scotland maid in Parliamentis haldin be the rycht excellent, hie and mychtie princeis kingis James the first, secund, thrid, feird, fyft, and in tyme of Marie now quene of Scottis, viseit, correctid, and extractit furth of the registers be the Lordis Depute be hir Maiestieis speciall commissioun thairto. Anno Do. 1566..
Edinburgh: Robert Lekpruik, 1566

Rescinded Acts [of the Covenanting Parliaments]
The Acts made in the [first] Parliament of our most high and dread soveraigne Charles..
Edinburgh: [Evan Tyler et al] 1633-1649

Mackenzie’s Observations
Observations on the acts of Parliament, : made by King James the First, King James the Second, King James the Third, King James the Fourth, King James the Fifth, Queen Mary, King James the Sixth, King Charles the First, King Charles the Second …
Sir George Mackenzie (1636-1691)
Edinburgh: Heirs of Andrew Anderson, 1686

Mackenzie’s Criminals
The laws and customs of Scotland, in matters criminal. : Wherein is to be seen how the civil law, and the laws and customs of other nations doth agree with, and supply ours.
Sir George Mackenzie (1636-1691)
Edinburgh: Heirs of Andrew Anderson, 1699 [2nd edition]

Spotswood’s Practicks
Practicks of the laws of Scotland, observed and collected by Sir Robert Spotiswoode … : As also, abstracts taken out of the ancient records of this Kingdom, whereby is declared the manner of administring justice in civil causes, before the College of Justice was erected. And propositions & questions in law made by the same author. With memoirs of his life and trial for an alledg’d crime of high treason against the States: in the pretended Parliament at St. Andrews, in December 1645, and January 1646.
Sir Robert Spottiswood (1596-1646)
Edinburgh: James Watson, 1706

Bruce’s Decisions
The decisions of the Lords of Council and Session, in most cases of importance, for the months of November and December 1714, and January, February, June and July 1715. : With an alphabetical abridgment, and the acts of sederunt made in that time.
Alexander Bruce (d. 1729)
Edinburgh: John Moncur, 1720

Acts of Assembly 1638-1649
The principall acts of the solemne generall assembly of the Kirk of Scotland, indicted by the King’s Majestie, and conveened at Glasgow, the xxi. of November 1638, with the Acts of the succeeding general assemblies down to that held July 4, 1649.
Edinburgh: 1639-1649

Acts of Assembly from the Revolution to 1722
The principal Acts of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland from 1690..
Edinburgh: 1690 to 1722

Forbes Journal of the Session
A journal of the Session. Containing the decisions of the Lords of Council and Session, in the most important cases, heard and determin’d from February 1705, till November 1713: and the acts of sederunt made in that time. : With a preface, containing an historical account of the Session, and the form of proceeding therein …
William Forbes
Edinburgh: Printed for the Author, 1714

Statutes of Britain Since the Union in 5 vols
Public and general Acts 1707-8, (6-8 Anne) –
London: Charles Bill, 1707-

Wood on the English Law
An institute of the laws of England: or, the laws of England in their natural order, according to common use. … In four books.
Thomas Wood LLD.
London: ?1722

Craigs de Feudis
Jus feudale tribus libris comprehensum: : quibus non solum consuetudines feudales, & praediorum jura, quae in Scotia, Anglia, & plerisque Galliae locis obtinent, continentur …
Sir Thomas Craig (1538-1608)

Dirleton’s Doubts and Decisions
Dirleton’s doubts and questions in the law of Scotland, resolved and answered.
Sir James Stuart of Goodtrees (1635-1717)
Edinburgh: James Watson, 1715

Mackenzie on Pleading
Pleadings in some remarkable cases before the Supreme Courts of Scotland since the year 1661 to which the decisions are subjoyn’d.
Sir George Mackenzie (1636-1691)
Edinburgh: Swintoun, Glen and Brown, 1673

Gilmour and Falconer’s Decisions
A collection of decisions of the Lords of Council and Session, in two parts. : The first contains decisions from July 1661, to July 1666. / Observ’d by Sir John Gilmour … The second part contains decisions from November 1681, to January 1686. Observ’d by Sir David Falconer … Never before publish’d. Revised and corrected, according to the most authentick manuscript copies … As likeways the acts of sederunt from 1681. to 1691. and continued to 1696 ….
Sir John Gilmour (1605-1671); Sir David Falconer (1640-1686)
Edinburgh: James Watson, 1701

Bruce’s Military Law
The institutions of military law, ancient and modern: : wherein the most material questions and cases relating to martial discipline, are fully examined and cleared from the principles of the civil law, and present uniform practice of this and neighbouring nations.
Alexander Bruce d. 1729
Edinburgh: Heirs of Andrew Anderson, 1717

Bruce on Feudal Law
Principia juris feudalis, institutionum imperialium methodo (quantum materiae feudalis ratio patitur) disposita. : Accedunt notae & observationes practicae …
Alexander Bruce d. 1729
Edinburgh: Robert Freebairn, 1713

Spotswood’s Forms of Process
The form of process, before the Lords of Council and Session, observed in advocations, ordinary actions, and suspensions … : To all of which is prefixed the present state of the College of Justice
John Spotiswood (1667-1728)
Edinburgh: Brown & Mosman 1718

Spotswoods’s Styles
An introduction to the knowledge of the stile of writs, simple and compound, made use of in Scotland; : containing directions for drawing securities, in cases which most commonly occur …
John Spotiswood (1667-1728)
Edinburgh: 1708 or 1715; dated 1722 in 1782 list

Acts of Parliament in 3 vols
The laws and acts of Parliament made by King James the First, and his royal successors, Kings and Queen of Scotland
Sir James Murray (1655-1708)
Edinburgh: 1683-1707

Acts of Parliament abridged by Sir James Stewart
An index or abridgement, of the Acts of Parliament and Convention, : from the first parliament of King James I … to the first parliament of Her Majesty Queen Anne … With the Act ratifying and approving the Treaty of Union of the two kingdoms, verbatim subjoined.
Sir James Stuart of Goodtrees (1635-1713)
Edinburgh: George Mosman 1707

Forbes on Bills of Exchange
A methodical treatise concerning bills of exchange: : wherein is an account of the rise and progress of exchange … according to the analogy of the law of Scotland: with incident comparative views of the laws and customs of England, and other countries ..
William Forbes (1688-1745)
Edinburgh: Mosman, Brown and McEuan, 1718

Salin’s Styles
A compend or abbreviat of the most important ordinary securities of and concerning rights personal and real, redeemable and irredeemable: of common use in Scotland. : Containing above an hundred different securities. Collected from the stiles of several Writers to the Signet, and others deceased. With the symbols and solemnities required by law and custom, for perfecting and making valid these rights and writs.
Sir Andrew Birnie of Saline (fl. 1661-1688)
Edinburgh: Heirs of Andrew Anderson, 1702 or 1709

Mackenzie’s Idea Eloquentiae in Turkey and Gilt
An idea of the modern eloquence of the bar. : Together with a pleading out of every part of law.
Sir George Mackenzie (1636-1691)
Edinburgh: Robert Freebairn, 1711

Mackenzie’s D in Latine
Idea eloquentiae forensis hodiernae: : una cum actione forensi ex unaquaque juris parte.
Sir George Mackenzie (1636-1691)
Edinburgh: Heirs of Andrew Anderson, 1681

Forbes Institutions
The institutes of the law of Scotland
William Forbes (1688-1745)
Edinburgh: James Watson, 1722-1730

Forbes on Tithes
A treatise of church-lands & tithes: in two parts …
William Forbes
Edinburgh: Heirs of Andrew Anderson, 1705

Forbes on Justices of the Peace
The duty and powers of justices of peace, in this part of Great-Britain called Scotland. : With an appendix concerning weights and measures.
Edinburgh: Heirs of Andrew Anderson, 1707-08

Craig on Homage
Scotland’s soveraignty asserted. : Being a dispute concerning homage, against those who maintain that Scotland is a feu, or fee-liege of England, and that therefore the King of Scots owes homage to the King of England.
Sir Thomas Craig (1538-1608)
London: Andrew Bell, 1695

Spotiswoods’ Law of Elections
The law concerning election of members for Scotland, to sit and vote in the Parliament of Great-Britain : Shewing the order, and what is necessary to be observed in electing the peers, and commissioners for shires and burghs … The second edition corrected and augmented
John Spotiswood (1667-1728)
Edinburgh: William Brown, 1722

Dundas on Feudal Law
A summary view of the feudal law, with the differences of the Scots law from it; : together with a dictionary of the select terms of the Scots and English law, by way of appendix.
John Dundas (fl. 1698-1731)
Edinburgh: 1710

Bruce’s Tutors Guide
The tutor’s guide: or, the principles of the civil and municipal laws and customs, relating to pupils and minors, and their tutors and curators. : Laid down in an easy and natural method, in three parts
Alexander Bruce d.1729
Edinburgh: Robert Freebairn, 1714

Termes de la Ley
Les termes de la ley: or, certain difficult and obscure words and terms of the common and statute laws of this realm, now in use, expounded and explained.
John Rastell (d. 1536)
London: Nutt and Gosling, 1721

State Tryals 6 vols
A Compleat Collection of State-Tryals, and proceedings upon impeachments for high treason, and other crimes and misdemeanours;
London: Timothy Goodwin, 1719

Wood on the Imperial Law
A New Institute of the Imperial or Civil Law. With notes … The second edition, corrected, with additions … To which is added, as an introduction, A Treatise of the first principles of Laws in general: of their nature and design, and of the interpretation of them (translated out of French).
Thomas Wood, LLD.
The Third edition, corrected.
London : Printed by W. B. for Richard Sare, 1721

Mackenzie’s Institutions
The institutions of the law of Scotland
Sir George Mackenzie (1636-1691)
Edinburgh: 1684 or 1694

Statutes Abridged in 5 vols
An exact abridgment of all the statutes in force and use, : from Magna Charta, 9 H. 3. to the beginning of the reign of King George
London: His Majesty’s Printers, 1720

Walwood on Sea Laws
Missing by 1782, this is one of William Welwod’s The Sea-Law of Scotland (1590), An Abridgement of All Sea-Lawes (1613) and De dominio maris (1616)

Abridgement of the Acts of Assemblie
An abridgment of the acts of the General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland. : Beginning with the General Assembly held at Glasgow, in the year 1638. And ending with the General Assembly held at Edinburgh, in May 1720 ..
John Dundas (fl. 1698-1731)
Edinburgh: John Mosman, 1721